Personal profile websites are a common sight these days, especially when services like About.me make it so easy for everyone to have one. But did you know Gravatar can do more than just serve your avatar around the websites you frequent? Gravatar provides a personal profile that people can view to learn a little more about you as well as other social networks you’re on.
If you already have a Gravatar account, you have a profile! You can update your profile with information like your name, bio, contact info, accounts you have on other services, personal links, as well as the ability to upload multiple images and a background image (for your profile site).
The Gravatar profiles are great but I wanted to change the look of mine and host it on my own web server. I took a look at the developer docs and saw that there was a public API for fetching a user’s public profile. I coded up something quick, simple and easy for anyone to use on their personal site and released it on Github!

Rumor has it that it may become a WordPress.com theme…
Check out my self-hosted personal profile site as well as John James Jacoby’s profile site on WordPress.com.