I hate cases, always have. Why make my Phone which was built to be thin, thicker? I know some people do need cases to protect their phones from the elements and drops, I’m not one of those people.
When I purchased the iPhone 6S I started looking at cases and even bought the Silicon Case from Apple, mainly to protect the camera’s protrusion. The case is thick and makes the phone wider. The silicon is also quite slick so it slips out of my hand very easily. It also sticks in my pocket which is annoying because when I want to take it out it turns my pocket inside out.
Then I ran across Peel. It’s a super thin case and it’s awesome.

It protects the camera’s protrusion in the back and is just about flush with the side buttons. You can hardly tell there is a case on it. It’s got just enough protection that I want without being bulky and annoying.
So if you’re looking for a case and don’t require anything rugged, check out Peel.