JR Tashjian

  • Ember’s Glow

    I could stare into a fire for hours when camping. CC0 licensed photo. Submitted to the WordPress Photo Directory.

  • Tranquil Reflections

    Here’s a shot I liked from a camping trip w ith my now brother-in-law back in 2011. CC0 licensed photo. Submitted to the WordPress Photo Directory.

  • Afternoon Huddle

    CC0 licensed photo. Submitted to the WordPress Photo Directory.

  • My Homelab

    In February 2021, I purchased my first enterprise grade rack-mounted server. I had a simple reason for doing so: I wanted better resiliency for my important digital archives, and the ability to run an extra service or two alongside it. Now a year and a half later I have a 18U server rack with multiple…

  • Joining GoDaddy

    I am so excited to announce that I’m joining GoDaddy! I’ll be joining as a Software Engineer on the WordPress Experience team starting Monday. I can’t express how excited I am about this opportunity, every bit of it is surreal. I’ll be working alongside Rich Tabor, changing the way people use WordPress on GoDaddy’s Managed…

  • Excellence

    No matter what you do. Do it the best way you can—or not at all. If you want to reach your full potential, that’s the quickest route. It’s also the hardest.

  • My Favorite Podcasts

    For the longest time music was my source of productivity. Music can quickly get me into “the zone” when I’m working and enables me to get a lot of tasks completed in a short amount of time. I definitely still play music to get into this zone but over the last few years I’ve enjoyed…

  • Busy is a Decision

    You don’t find the time to do things, you make the time to do things.

  • Gary Vaynerchuk on Motivation

    People love the feeling of being motivated. They don’t like putting in the work to do something about the feeling.

  • Unqualified

    Every great developer you know got there by solving problems they were unqualified to solve until they actually did it.

  • Success

    Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.

  • Joining 10up

    I’m excited to announce that today marks the first day of my employment as a Web Engineer at 10up! Being an independent consultant for the past two years has been a blast but I’ve missed working with a dedicated team towards a common goal. 10up has always been a huge name in the WordPress community…

  • Featured Image Fallback for Child Pages

    Continuing from the same project where I needed to highlight a parent page in a WordPress menu when on a child page, featured images is another place where I wanted some custom functionality. This custom functionality I’m about to share wasn’t necessarily a requirement but I wanted to make it as simple as possible for the…

  • Highlighting parent page in WordPress menus

    Menus in WordPress are a really simple and easy way to manage various navigation bars in a theme. wp_nav_menu() does a lot of the work automatically and includes a number of CSS classes for styling. Highlighting the current page is especially useful using .current-menu-item and .current-menu-ancestor classes. There was one issue I recently ran into though.…

  • Self Doubt

    I was a person who always had excitement and passion in my career. I was excited when I got my first job as a web developer and I pushed myself hard to learn everything I could to be knowledgeable in everything I did. For years I would have ideas and build them, find new tech and try…

  • Completed the Motorcycle

    It is complete! Took a little over a month of waiting for parts, disassembly, cleaning, painting, and reassembly. I think it looks pretty good 🙂

  • Gas Tank Installed

    Gas tank mounted! All that’s left is the front end and side panels, new brake fluid, and a little more cleaning/detailing.