I’ve debated getting a standing desk for a while and finally decided on the Evodesk as the one that would best work for me. I had been feeling fatigued sitting all the time but I didn’t want to get a fixed desk for standing. Although there have been a few motorized sit-stand desks that I’ve looked into, they were all way to large for my current home and more expensive than I’d like to spend.
Then I stumbled upon the Evodesk. The company looks new but I was able to find some great reviews about their desk. The pricing was cheaper than what I was looking at and was available in a size that would work for me right now. After about a week or two of looking into them and being a little hesitant, I decided to give them my money.
I’m impressed.
I kept the desk simple and only added the Ergo Desktop for the contoured edge at the front of the desk, the cable management tray underneath the desk (attached in the back), and the programmable memory controller.
I didn’t time how long it took me to put together, but the instructions were simple and easy to follow. The frame is amazingly sturdy even when it’s raised up high and the desk has a nice texture to it. One of the biggest selling points to me is the way they designed the frame, it moves laterally! Which means not only will it work for me now in their 48″ size but when I have more space in the future I can upgrade up to a 90″ desk.
Although I’ve only been using it a couple days, it’s been a great experience. If you’re on the fence about which sit-stand desk to get, I would highly recommend the Evodesk. It’s at a lower price point but it’s quality is superb.
The screensaver is the Padbury Clock.